Aberdeen AberSAN Z31 3U ZFS SAN Storage Appliance
Aberdeen AberSAN Z31 3U ZFS SAN Storage Appliance
The AberSAN brings the simplification of a network attached storage (NAS) server to the SAN environment by combining Fibre Channel and iSCSI block level connections with multi-user network sharing. Aberdeen removes storage and partition size limitations to deliver ease of use and flexibility, while featuring more efficient cross platform collaborative editing and shared media storage for post-production, content creation and any business in need of cost effective, scalable storage.
With AberSAN Z-Series you can scale performance the same way that you scale performance of other applications by adding to hardware performance by increasing memory available or CPU performance or the number of targets available.
Multi-level data protection
AberSAN Z-Series protects your organization’s data with features and capabilities ranging from the most granular, per transaction data integrity checks to higher level backup and disaster recovery capabilities.
Every read or write made by AberSAN Z-Series utilizes ZFS data integrity. To avoid accidental and silent data corruption ZFS provides end-to-end checksumming and transactional copy-on-write IO operations. These operations eliminate the ‘write-holes’ and silent data corruption that have plagued storage solutions that are not based on ZFS.
Inherent virtualization
AberSAN Z-Series is built from the ground up on the revolutionary file system ZFS which means that virtualization is at the core of AberSAN Z-Series. This virtualization enables thin provisioning and also improves performance via I/O pooling. This means that when you add more disks or systems to AberSAN Z-Series the overall solution accelerates. Another benefit of AberSAN Z-Series is that it can run within VMware or other virtualized environments.
With many options for customers:
Target FC
The Target FC Plugin provides a set of capabilities, including an intuitive user interface, that assist in the use of the AberSAN as a block-level target (Fibre Channel only). Target FC includes adaptive multi-pathing so that performance scales up as needed with additional threads — and manages these threads over time including closing them if they are not needed. It also provides the ability to easily create logical groups of initiators and targets to enable such common block level management tasks as LUN mapping so that a particular application, for example, has unique access to a particular ZVOL, or virtual block device, and thereby inherits the storage management policies unique to that ZVOL such as replication and protection schemes.
High Availability Cluster Plugin
The HA Cluster plugin enables two AberSAN instances to be configured as an active / active pair. When installed and configured, each instance of AberSAN is able to perform all regular functions while at the same time the Plugin provides high availability for shared storage accessible from both appliances. The storage jointly managed via HA Cluster is configured as shared storage. You can also establish RAID and replication policies to protect the data itself in a number of ways with the aid of the software.